Data consent management

Where there’s data, there are always considerations to be made around privacy, consent and ethics. These are challenging areas that simply cannot be ignored, and our Data Consent and Management hub is here to talk you through these complexities that exist with energy data.


Who owns the operational data generated by offshore wind turbines? How can utilities manage consumer consent for smart meter data on a national scale? How can smart meter data be integrated into a CRM programme for customers and still adhere to regulatory privacy requirements? Read on for detailed insight into the ins and outs of data management.

re.alto smart meter


Tackling the complex challenge of data consent management

Consent management data hub Tackling the complex challenge of data consent management Here at re.alto, we talk a lot about data. It is a key enabler of digitalisation, a cornerstone of innovation born out of collaboration and connectivity. But within energy, there are challenges around data that are putting the

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