re.alto Obtains ISO 27001 Certification



re.alto is proud to share that we are now ISO 27001 certified. Cloud based optimisation, assetless connectivity and facilitating access to data is our core business at re.alto, and we therefore take data security very seriously. ISO 27001 certification was the logical choice for us.  

What is ISO 27001?

ISO 27001 is the leading international standard on how to manage and apply information security and compliance within a business. It is a risk-based approach to evaluating security and details the requirements for implementing, maintaining and continually improving an information security management system, the aim of which is to protect the information and data assets held by a company from loss or unauthorised access. Topics covered in the ISO 27001 include, but are not limited to, information security policies, human resource management, operations and communication security, asset management and control, cryptography and access rights. The information security certification process requires companies to undergo audits to ensure quality is being maintained. ISO 27001 certification is recognised around the world as an indicator of a credible and trusted business. Companies that are ISO 27001 certified meet and abide by legal requirements, are better organised and are better able to manage any potential security incidents, while offering a high standard of security to both their customers and their partners. Achieving ISO 27001 certification shows that re.alto safeguards the data of companies we work with and that we have well-maintained security protocols and regulations in place for handling or processing data. 

What does this mean for re.alto?

This successful certification shows that re.alto is fully compliant with the ISO 27001 standard. Our compliance was validated by an independent audit company and the certification is proof that we have followed all necessary requirements for covering information security in our business. We believe this will increase the trust that potential partners place in us and open new doors as the company continues to grow. Companies which have been audited save their customers or partners time in that they need not carry out an audit on us themselves. It is not uncommon for companies to request to see ISO certification before agreeing to do business and being certified means partners or customers can work with us in full confidence that their data is secure and being handled correctly and that no confidentiality breaches will occur. In the words of re.alto’s CTO, Pepijn Schoen: “Our ISO27001 efforts along with other compliance activities we’re active in are important in offering transparency and trust to our customers. Through it, we want to provide certainty that our IT security, data privacy and business continuity is on a level that ensures they don’t have to worry about this when working with us. Being handed the certificate is an achievement, a milestone showing that our work has paid off. The content of the compliance work itself and ensuring this continues to be applied, however, is the most important thing.”  

We’re thrilled to announce that re.alto has successfully met this international benchmark of security, and we look forward to the opportunities our ISO 27001 certification will bring us.