EV charge sessions

Get all the charging sessions of a car at your preferred locations without the need of a smart charging pole

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EV charge sessions

Essential data for tracking EV charging sessions

Setup in 5 easy steps with our energy solution APIs


Onboard a Car by creating an onboardingRequest or a guided onboarding session.


Set the batteryCapacity for the vehicle.


Activate the captureChargeSessions feature on the vehicle.


Call /v1/entities/{entityId}/charge-sessions using the entityId of the vehicle, and specify the desired time frame by providing a start and end date.


Get start time, end time, location, and the total charged energy in kWh for every charge session over the defined time frame.


A detailed look at our features


Different methods to calculate charge sessions

Monitor the solar production that drives an optimiser to send start- and stop-charging commands to the car.

charging pole

Usable with any kind of charging pole

We use the car embedded communication technology to generate the charge session. No need to have a communicant charging pole or work with specific brands.

multiple connectivity

Multiple connectivity technologies

re.alto operates differents connectivity technologies to ensure a broad coverage of existing cars and the best data quality for each brand

no use case specific

Not use case specific

The connection to the car for this application can also be used for other use cases later without the need to recreate a new connection or separated application

See our solution at work

A reimbursement service for fleet managers

Get charge session data from your drivers’ electrical vehicle at the location you want and turn this into Euros through the actual customer tariff.

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